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Most crypto currency miners should be very familiar with the Raspberry Pi, the small and inexpensive Linux-based “computer” that is often used to run big ASIC miners without the need of a dedicated powerful PC. The RPi however can be used for other things such as running a full Bitcoin or other crypto currency node with the help of a large USB drive or running a wallet for PoS for example. So the announcement of a new faster Raspberry Pi 3 could be of interest to a lot of people, especially considering the fact that the new model comes with built-in WiFi and the price remains the same as with the old model 2 – $35 USD, with the RPi 2 still available for anyone that needs it.

Raspberry Pi 3 Specifications:
– Processor: Broadcom BCM2387 chipset, 1.2GHz Quad-Core ARM Cortex-A53, 802.11 b/g/n Wireless LAN and Bluetooth 4.1 (Bluetooth Classic and LE)
– GPU: Dual Core VideoCore IV Multimedia Co-Processor. Provides Open GL ES 2.0, hardware-accelerated OpenVG, and 1080p30 H.264 high-profile decode. Capable of 1Gpixel/s, 1.5Gtexel/s or 24GFLOPs with texture filtering and DMA infrastructure
– Memory: 1GB LPDDR2
– Operating System: Boots from Micro SD card, running a version of the Linux operating system or Windows 10 IoT
– Dimensions: 85 x 56 x 17mm
– Power: Micro USB socket 5V, 2.5A

Raspberry Pi 3 Connectors:
– Ethernet: 10/100 BaseT Ethernet socket
– Video: Output HDMI (rev 1.3 & 1.4 Composite RCA (PAL and NTSC)
– Audio Output: Audio Output 3.5mm jack, HDMI,
– USB: 4 x USB 2.0 Connector
– GPIO Connector: 40-pin 2.54 mm (100 mil) expansion header: 2×20 strip providing 27 GPIO pins as well as +3.3 V, +5 V and GND supply lines
– Camera Connector: 15-pin MIPI Camera Serial Interface (CSI-2)
– Display Connector: Display Serial Interface (DSI) 15 way flat flex cable connector with two data lanes and a clock lane
– Memory Card Slot: Push/pull Micro SDIO

The dimensions and layout of the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B are the same as with the RPi 2 Model B including the connectors, so it should be compatible as a direct replacement for the older unit if you are already using it for a project. The faster CPU can be a good upgrade for tasks requiring more processing power such as running a crypto currency node, the GPU is the same as with the old model, but clocked higher and you get WiFi and Bluetooth built-in for easier wireless network and peripheral connectivity.

For more details about the announcement of the new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B…


Things have been quite crazy for Ethereum (ETH) the last days, so if you haven’t been paying much attention to Ethereum, then now you might want to get up to speed. Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) coins are mined with GPUs only and you can mine them with both AMD and Nvidia-based video cards that have at least 2 GB of video memory. CPU mining is also possible, but pointless since the hashrate you will be getting is way to little to be worth anything. At launch a few months ago Ethereum did not have an official GUI wallet, but now you have one in beta that can make things easier for not so advanced users to operate with their coins. Below you can find a list of updated resources to get you started if Ethereum is still a new altcoin for you.

Ethereum Mining:
Quick Guide on How to Mine Ethereum on Windows with geth…
Quick Guide on Solo GPU Mining Ethereum on Windows with geth…
Ethereum ETH mining on Ethpool with a Stratum-enabled qtminer…
Getting Started with Ethereum Using cpp-ethereum…
List of the major Ethereoum Ether coin mining pools…

Ethereum Additional Information:
Exchanges where you can buy and trade Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) Coins…
Track Ethereum (ETH) prices at top echanges with Ethereum Wisdom…
Useful Blockchain explorers for the Ethereum Network…
How to Backup your Ethereum Wallet and the Blockchain…

Ethereum Extra Software:
Download the latest official Ethereum GUI wallet…
AlethOne desktop GUI and client for mining ETH (single GPU)…
Ethereum Solo Mining Proxy for larger mining farms…

Other Ethereum resources:
1 Year Ethereum (ETH) cloud mining contracts available from Genesis Mining…
Active Ethereum Faucet giving away free ETH coins…
Another Ethereum (ETH) Faucet giving away free ETH coins to users…
Ethereum GPU Mining Profitability Calculator…
List of other Ethereum forked altcoins…


With the recent book of Ethereum (ETH) one of the coins forked from it has also shown a great increase in interest and as a direct result a huge price increase as well – Expanse (EXP). This Ethereum fork is very similar in terms of usage and mining to Ethereum, though there are some differences, so we have decided to prepare a quick guide focused on setting up the Expanse daemon for local mining as well as using the GUI wallet that the coin has available and then how to start solo mining and pool mining. Again, since this is an Ethereum fork many of the things are very similar, so if you are already familiar with Ethereum, then getting into Expanse will be very easy for you, otherwise the guide should help you. We are going to be focusing on Windows in our example, though most of the things should be applicable to other operating systems as well. Do note that Expanse (EXP) is based on the Go Ethereum client and the GUI wallet is currently only available for Windows and Mac, for Linux you will have to stick to the console commands for using the wallet. Mining Expanse (EXP) is pretty much the same as with Ethereum, you are going to be using ethminer that is OpenCL-based, but works with Nvidia GPUs as well and there is also a CUDA version available. Both miners as well as the gexp and expwallet with some Batch files (.BAT) are included in the downloadable archive below to make it easy to get started with everything on Windows. Some good places to trade the coin include Bittrex, HitBTC, Yobit and Graviex.


Generating wallet address via the console:
– Open the expwallet-win folder and run gexp-console.bat to start Expanse in console mode
– The software will need to download the blockchain data, it can take some time
– In the console type: personal.newAccount("password")
– Instead of password in the quotes above write your own password and remember it well
– In the console type: exp.accounts
– This will list your Expanse wallet address or addresses if you have multiple
– To check your account balance you can type: web3.fromWei(exp.getBalance(exp.coinbase), "expanse")

Generating wallet address via the GUI wallet:
– Open the expwallet-win folder and run gexp-console.bat to start Expanse in console mode
– The software will need to download the blockchain data, it can take some time
– Click on the NEW ACCOUNT button and enter a wallet password, then repeat it and remember it well
– The GUI wallet will show you the current ballance and provide you with an easy way of sending transactions
– Curently the GUI wallet is only available for Windows and Mac users, Linux users will need to go the console way

Sending Expanse to another wallet via console:
– First you need to unlock your account by typing in the console the following (replace password with your password): personal.unlockAccount(exp.accounts[0], "password")
– In the console type: exp.sendTransaction({from: exp.accounts[0], to: 'recipient_address', value: web3.toWei(1, "expanse")})
– In the above code replace your_address and recipient_address with the respective addresses, the example is for sending 1 Expanse, but you can change the value depending on your needs

Sending Expanse to another wallet via the GUI wallet:
– Go to the Transactions tab and you should see a familiar graphical interface for sending coins
– The From Address field should have your main wallet address selected by default and offer a dropdown if you have multiple wallets
– Enter the To Address of the recieving party, should use copy and paste in order to avoid mistakes
– Select the amount of EXP you want to send and click on the Send Transaction button

Starting gexp for solo mining:
– To listen for connections only on the local system type: gexp --rpc --rpcaddr "localhost" --rpcport 9656
– To be accessible on the local network type: gexp --rpc --rpcaddr "" --rpcport 9656
– Make sure that for local LAN accessibility you replace the rpcaddr IP address to the one that of the machine gexp is running on, the is just an example
– To be accessible on the Internet type: gexp --rpc --rpcaddr "x.x.x.x" --rpcport 9656
– Make sure that for Internet accessibility you replace the rpcaddr IP address to the one that of the machine gexp is running on, the x.x.x.x in the example will not work, also make sure that the 9656 port (or another one you decide to use) is forwarded

Starting ethminer for solo mining:
– For local system mining with ethminer on the same PC that gexp is running on use: ethminer -G
– For mining on a system in the Local LAN where gexp is installed and running use: ethminer -G -F
– Make sure that for local LAN mining the IP address of the system gexp is running on is set correctly on the miner, the is just an example, also make sure that there is no Firewall blocking connections
– For using mining rig to mine over the Internet on a PC with gexp running in your local LAN use: ethminer -G -F http://x.x.x.x:9656
– For Internet access make sure that instead of the x.x.x.x in the example you set your external IP address and that the 9656 port is properly forwarded between the external IP and the system running gexp

Pool CPU/GPU mining using ethminer:
– Open the ethminer folder and edit the three bat files with your wallet address
– For solomining locally run the following BAT for CUDA/OpenCL: EXP-local.bat
– For mining on a pool run the following BAT for CUDA/OpenCL: EXP-suprnova.bat

Due to the much lower total network hashrate that Expanse (EXP) currently has it is viable to try solo mining the coin if you have multiple AMD or Nvidia GPUs in order toget better profit than mining solo. Do note however that solo mining depends on your luck as well, so if you want to be on the safe side you can stick to pool mining.

To download gexp, gwallet and ethminer compiled for Windows and ready to be used…
