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Ethereum launched Frontier – the first release of the project including actual mining of Ether with CPU and GPU at the end of last month. The Frontier release comes with a command line only interface with a Javascript environment that allows building, testing, deploying and using decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is being described as a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. So far the available code is mostly intended for developers and though the network is active it is not very user friendly to normal people that might be interested in trying to mine some Ether. Ethereum’s next release named Homestead is supposed to offer in a few months a user friendly interface for normal users.

We have prepared a short guide that should get you started with Ethereum mining using the Frontier release on Windows and we have prepared the required software to create your own address as well as how you can mine solo or in a mining pool using either your CPU or GPU (OpenCL or CUDA). We want to warn you that although getting started with the basic usage and mining may not be that hard, to be able to take advantage of all of Ethereum’s features you’d need to spend some more time getting to know it as it things are not like with your average Bitcoin clone. We are going to be using geth (source), ethminer (source) and ethminer-cuda (source), you can download the package containing the Windows binaries for both from the link below then you need to follow the following instructions:

Generating wallet address:
– Open the geth folder and run geth-console.bat to start Ethereum in console mode
– The software will need to download the blockchain data, it can take some time
– In the console type: personal.newAccount("password")
– Instead of password in the quotes above write your own password and remember it well
– In the console type: eth.accounts
– This will list your Ethereum wallet address
– To check your account balance you can type: web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase), "ether")

Sending Ether to another wallet:
– First you need to unlock your account by typing in the console the following (replace password with your password): personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0], "password")
– In the console type: eth.sendTransaction({from: 'your_address', to: 'recipient_address', value: web3.toWei(1, "ether")})
– In the above code replace your_address and recipient_address with the respective addresses, the example is for sending 1 Ether, but you can change the value depending on your needs

Mining locally on the CPU:
– Run geth-console.bat and to start CPU mining type: miner.start(4)
– The number in the quotes is the number of threads to use
– To stop CPU mining locally type: miner.stop()

Pool CPU/GPU mining using ethminer:
– Open the ethminer folder and edit the three bat files with your wallet address
– For CPU mining on the pool run: pool-cpu.bat
– For OpenCL mining on the pool run: pool-ocl.bat
– For CUDA mining on the pool run: pool-cuda.bat

The ethminer software uses the ethpool mining pool for mining, the pool fee is 2% and there is a flat fee of 0.01 Ether per payout charged with minimum payout of 1 Ether, also the pool is beta and there could be some issues. The geth software contains only CPU miner while ethminer supports CPU (up to about 2 times faster than geth CPU mining), OpenCL GPU mining for AMD (also works on Nvidia) and CUDA GPU mining. You can use OpenCL mining on Nvidia GPUs as well, could work on older GPUs that do not work with the CUDA miner. If you have integrated GPU it can also be detected as OpenCL capable and the miner may try to run on it, so you can try to use the --opencl-platform and --opencl-device command line parameters to avoid the problem.

Mining performance:
– ethminer CPU mining on Intel Core i7 5820K: 0.95 MHS
– ethminer OpenCL mining on AMD Radeon R9 280X: 24.4 MHS
– ethminer OpenCL mining on Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti: 18.5 MHS
– ethminer CUDA mining on Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti: 18.7 MHS

Do note that ethminer is 64-bit only and you need to have Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable installed (the 64-bit version) as it is compiled with Visual Studio 2013 and CUDA 7.5RC. Note that it seems AMD is currently faster mining Ethereum as compared to Nvidia GPUs and CPU mining is not much worth other than for testing purposes anyway.

Download geth and ethminer compiled for Windows and ready to be used…


A new major Bitcoin Core version 0.11.0 is now available for download bringing both new features and bug fixes, so it is recommended to upgrade to it if you are running a full Bitcoin node or a local Bitcoin Core wallet. This release also addresses the recent issues with the network being flooded with low-fee transactions resulting in slow processing time of Bitcoin transactions. Now you can change a few configuration options to work around this issue and more robust solutions are being worked on for a follow-up release.

Among the notable changes is the Block file pruning that allows running a fully validating node without maintaining a copy of the raw block and undo data on disk which is good for running a full node with more limited space, but does not work with local wallets yet. Block pruning allows Bitcoin Core to delete the raw block and undo data once it’s been validated and used to build the databases. Experimental support for big-endian CPU architectures was added in this release. There have been many changes in this release to reduce the default memory usage of a node. This release also improves the algorithm used for fee estimation.

For the list of new features with additional details about the Bitcoin Core 0.11.0 release…


We have received some SkeinCoin (SKC) from a reader to give away for free to visitors of the blog that are interested in some free coins. The idea of course is to rise the interest in SkeinCoin a bit as apparently the coin needs it, so don’t miss your chance to get some free SKC coins. SkeinCoin (SKC) is a Skein-SHA2 alternative crypto coin that can be mined with both CPU and GPU and there is support for mining it with both a fork of cgminer and sgminer on AMD GPUs as well as with Nvidia GPUs using a more recent version of ccMiner.

So getting back to the SkeinCoin (SKC) giveaway, all you have to do to take part in it is to post your SKC wallet address in the comments below and you will get 80 SkeinCoins sent to you – that is the reward you will get if you mine 10 SKC blocks at the moment. Do note that since all of the coins will be sent manually to you it may take some time before your reward is received, but normally it should not take more than a few hours. Only one reward per user is allowed, so please do not abuse our giveaway – we have more than enough coins to give away, but we reserve the right to cancel the giveaway at any time we decide.

The giveaway of SKC (SkeinCoin) is now officially over, we have sent to users 1840 SKC in total.

For more information about the SkeinCoin (SKC) alternative crypto currency…
