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ZelCash (ZEL) is an anonymous cryptocurrency that has been forked from ZCash (ZEC), but has since been evolving into a kind of a multi-functional crypto ecosystem. Initially the project used the Equihash algorithm that ZEC used (Equihash 200,9), but has since forked to Zhash (Equihash 144,5) and most recently a couple of months ago switched to the ZelHash (Equihash 125,4) algorithm. Meanwhile ZelCash has also been apparently renamed to just Zel, though it is still been widely referred to as ZelCash on most places. Currently ZelCash (ZEL) is ranked at 457th place by CoinMarketCap with a market cap of sub 5M USD and a daily volume of more than half the total capitalization.

ZEL has getting some attention lately and we have decided to check out mining it once more with the new algorithm and give you some helpful information should you decide to try mining it as well. The Equihash 125,4 algorithm called ZelHash is not as widely supported as other Equihash variations out there, though it is available for both AMD and Nvidia GPU miners. It is not available on NiceHash for the moment, though the algorithm is available at MiningRigRentals which can be used to your advantage where you might want to sell your hashrate if more profitable to mine directly ZEL.

The largest mining pool for ZEL is 2miners, though you can check what other pools with support for the ZelHash algorithm for ZelCash are available on MiningPoolStats. For AMD GPU mining you can only use the lolMiner closed source OpenCL miner with 1% developer free built-in. Nvidia GPU miners have more options with ZelHash supported by both the GMiner CUDA closed source miner with 2% developer fee built-in or the alternative miniZ CUDA closed source miner also with 2% dev fee. Our quick tests are showing that performance wise the miniZ miner does seem to be faster in terms of hashrate, though stability wise it is not as good as GMiner, so if using the miniZ miner make sure you use a loop when running the miner software. Some good crypto exchanges to trade ZEL coins include Stex, Citex and TOKOK.

For more details if you got interested in the ZelCash (ZEL) crypto project…

The BEAM Project is having a hard fork in about two days and you need to make sure that you are ready for it if you are mining it or are using a local wallet for BEAM. The BEAM Hard Fork is scheduled for block #321321 which should be reached sometime in August 15th and you need to mak sure your wallet is up to date as well as your miner. Make sure you get the latest BEAM wallet if you use a local wallet, if you rely on exchanges make sure they have updated their wallets after the fork before doing any transactions. Some good exchanges to trade BEAM coins include Binance and Gateio.

The BEAM Hard Fork will also come with changes in the algorithm used for mining, the PoW algorithm will change from Beam Hash I (Equihash 150,5) to Beam Hash II (EquihashR variation). And while the new algorithm is still a modification of the Equihash you would still have to use a new miner or an updated one with support for the new algorithm (EquihashR parameters n = 150, k = 5 and r = 3). The initial information suggests that the new BeamHash II algorithms should be faster in terms of hashrate and with lower power consumption on the same hardware compared to the still currently used BeamHash I (Equihash 150,5) algorithm.

The software miner with support for BEAM mining have already started updating with support for the new algorithm, though not all of them already have Beam Hash II available. Our preferred Nvidia BEAM miner – GMiner 1.55 already has support for both AMD and Nvidia miners for the upcoming hardfork and the new BeamHash II algo… there is even an auto-switch function built-in, so that it will switch to the new algorithm after the fork is detected. The latest lolMiner 0.8.6 for AMD GPUs has added support for the BEAM hard fork and there is also an auto switch option available to help you seamlessly move to the new Beam Hash II algorithm. Other popular miners with BEAM support should most likely follow soon with updates adding the new algorithm as well…

Today is planned the first hardfork for the GRIN crypto currency and more specifically its Cuckaroo29 (C29) algorithm to the new Cuckarood29, the C31 algorithm remains unaffected by this hardfork. Grin is expected to hard fork at Block 262,080 which is estimated to happen at some point today (July 17th, 2019). All you have to do to be ready to continue mining GRIN after the hardfork is to update your miner to the latest version, most of the software supports autodetection of the algorithm switch and thus should continue working jst fine after the fork happens.

The miners that have already released updates to support the new Cuckarood29 algorithm to be sued by Grin after the hard fork include: GMiner 1.51, NBMiner 24.1, lolMiner 0.8.5, nanominer 1.5.1 for AMD and or Nvidia GPUs on Windows and Linux operating systems. You can of course also use the official grin-miner 2.0.0 as well, although it is not available for Windows operating systems (only Linux and Mac OS X), unlike all of the other alternatives mentioned.
