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The Supcoin (SUP) is a new altcoin that has just recently launched as a CPU only coin using a new algorithm called PLUCK, but it has quickly gotten a ccMiner fork from djm34 (source) adding support for GPU mining on Nvidia-based GPUs. The ccMiner fork with Pluck support for mining Supcoin (SUP) is available for download below, it is compiled for Compute 3.0 or newer Nvidia-based graphics cards, so it will not work on older. We have taken the ccMiner for a quick test to tee what hashrate you can expect to get from it and compare it to what the Pluck CPU miner from Wolf0 currently provides in terms of hashrate. There is still no AMD GPU miner available, but most likely we are going to soon seen one available considering that the algorithm was quickly ported on Nvidia it is apparently not very GPU resistant. The results cited below are for the hardware (CPU and GPU) running at their stock frequencies with no additional user overclock, do note that only the GTX 960 is an ASUS Strix card that is factory overclocked.

CPU miner hashrate:

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition (6-core) – 0.78 KH/s
Intel Core i7-5820K Processor (6-core with HT) – 1.2 KH/s

Nvidia GPU miner hashrate:

Nvidia GTX 750 Ti – 1.89 KH/s (with throughput 3)
Nvidia GTX 960 – 3.38 KH/s (with throughput 3)
Nvidia GTX 980 – 5.25 KH/s (with throughput 3.5)

To download and try the djm34 ccMiner fork for Nvidia GPU mining Pluck algorithm coins…


Supcoin (SUP) is a new alternative crypto currency that was just launched using a new algorithm called Pluck that is SHA256-based with more load on the memory and was supposed to initially be mined with CPU only, but we saw a very quick release of a ccMiner fork that added GPU mining support for Nvidia from djm34. The coin has a relatively small pre-mine that will mostly go for bounties and already has a few pools available for mining, though exchanges are not yet available. It is an interesting new project that you might want to check out and there is definitely an interest since you can already even rent hashrate from MiningRigRentals with the new Pluck algorithm. Betarigs has also apparently added the new algorithm, but there are no mining rigs available to rent there yet. So it is a project that you might want to check out as it might turn out to be an interesting alternative crypto coin.


Block Explorer / Crawler
Not yet available.


  • Pluck Algorithm
  • PoW-only coin
  • 5 minute block time
  • ~580000 SUP coins total
  • 10 Coins per block
  • Block reward halves every 100 days, starting at 10 coins per block
  • Reasonably small premine of 100 blocks worth, with bounties


Source Code
at GitHub

Pluck CPU miner (source)
Pluck Nvidia GPU miner (source)
Pluck AMD GPU miner




Lyrabar (LYB) is a new alternative crypto currency using the Lyra2RE as a proof-of-work algorithm. It is an altcoin for hobbyists by hobbyists designed to be fair, successful, community-driven cryptocurrency. It does not come with big promises that will never be met, does not come with premine and is not traded on large exchanges from day 1, so the idea is to build an user community and slowly expand along the way. The coin can be mined using CPUs, or AMD and Nvidia GPUs and a VTC merged mining support should come at some point in the future. If you haven’t being interested in the altcoin launches lately like many of the “older” GPU miners that got tired of scam coins, then you might want to check out the Lyrabar (LYB), though there is nothing guaranteed here either.


Block Explorer / Crawler


  • Lyra2RE Algorithm
  • PoW-only coin
  • 2.5 minute block time
  • 5 Coins per block
  • 1971000 total LYB coins
  • Block reward will half at blocks 210240, 420480, 630720 (one year between each)
  • Last PoW block is 840960
  • Difficulty retargeting with Kimoto’s Gravity Well
  • Stealth addresses (experimental, use at own risk)


Source Code
at GitHub


  • RPC Port: 4047
  • P2P Port: 4046


