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In our article about our first impressions from the Gridseed 5-chip Scrypt Asic earlier this month we were not very happy with our initial experience from the device. It seems we’ve got one of the earlier builds that were not very well built and the software for using them was also at a very early stage. Today however things look much better, we just got a new unit that we have ordered and it is much better built and uses the STM32 Virtual COM port driver instead of the CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller that our previous unit had.


We have tested the new ASIC device and it works just fine with the STM32 drivers installed with the modified for low power usage cpuminer for Scrypt mining by giving the virtual COM port number of the device. The ASIC also worked just fine when we have replaced the STM32 vitual cOM Port driver with WinUSB using Zadig to use cgminer 3.7.2 for Scrypt mining on the ASIC. We still haven’t tried using the new 5-chip Gridseed ASIC device to work in dual mining mode with TLC and BTC mining running at the same time as apparently the dual mining method that have already described for our older ASIC using the CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller is not working for devices with STM32 Virtual COM port drivers, so we’ll be getting back with more details on that later on when we figure it out.

For the moment however we are much more satisfied with the newer revisions of the 5-chip Gridseed LTC/BTC ASIC devices, especially when we take into account the improvement of the software support side for them in the last few days.


Heavycoin (HVC) is a HEFTY1 CPU-only Ultra-secure new crypto currency with decentralized block reward voting. Get ready to mine, mining starts on March 8th 12:00 UTC! Heavycoin has the potential to achieve massive adoption and become a wide-reaching crypto-currency. With a strong community behind it, Heavycoin could even challenge Litecoin for position number two next to Bitcoin. With this in mind, the Heavycoin launch is taking place in multiple stages to encourage a diverse body of early adopters and stakeholders. Heavycoin will also leverage multiple launch strategies for maximum impact.

Heavycoin mining will open up a new dynamic because of decentralized block reward voting. Miners who are greedy and have little stake could vote for the maximum block reward of 1024. However, this will increase the supply of Heavycoin and decrease their profits. Other miners, who are not greedy, or who already have a sufficient stake, might vote for a lower block reward — even zero — in order to decrease the supply and to slow the minting rate. Either way, this is going to be interesting!

Intially Heavycoin starts with a zero block reward. The very first miners will have the first opportunity to solve blocks and vote on what the first democratically selected block reward should be. The first 100 blocks (3.3 hours) will decide the starting block reward. From then on, block reward voting will continue, but the votes are counted and averaged every 3600 blocks (5 days).

Heavycoin is configured to mine and vote by default, with a default vote of 512 HVC. If you want to change your block reward vote then see “How to vote” section of our website. Otherwise, to disable voting then see “How to mine”. When mining is enabled, every time you mine a block your wallet will automatically cast a block reward vote. The Heavycoin network automatically averages these votes every 5 days (3600 blocks) and sets the new block reward accordingly. The block reward is the average of all 3600 votes over the previous voting period rounded to the nearest integer.


Block Explorer / Crawler


  • HEFTY1 Algo
  • Mining starts: March 8th 12:00 UTC
  • Ultra-secure: combines SHA-256, Keccak-512, Grøestl-512, BLAKE-512 in a secure way
  • Block time: 2 Min
  • Retarget up: Every 5 blocks (max 100%)
  • Retarget down: Every block (max 200%)
  • Starting block reward: 0 (for first 100 blocks ~ 3.3 hours)
  • Total supply: 63M to 128M HVC (depending on votes)
  • Multipool protection: Temporal Retargeting
  • Premine: 1-2% (depending on total supply) for future development, support and maintenance


Source Code
at GitHub


  • RPC Port: 7202
  • P2P Port: 7203




The GeForce GTX 750 Ti are performing quite well for Scrypt mining as well as some other algorithms when used with the cudaminer software miner, however there are other crypto algorithms that are not yet supported by the cudaminer, but can bi mined on Nvidia-based GPUs. One such example is Protoshares (Bitshares-PTS) where there are just a few pools and a few GPU miners available and not all pools and GPU miners are compatible with each other. So we decided to try the different pools with their particular GPU miner with support for Nvidia on a GeForce GTX 750 Ti video card to see what works best and where you can get the highest possible performance out of your hardware. The results below are from a GeForce GTX 750 Ti video card running at stock frequencies, overclocking migh help you squeeze a bit more performance from each miner…

PTS Mining Pool – GPU Miner Used – Hashrate:

upCPU - ominer - 568 c/m
Beeeeer - cudaPTSwin - 522 c/m
1GHS - PTSminer - 488 c/m
ypool - jhProtominer - 477 c/m
PTSpool - PtsGPUz - 379 c/m
ProtoSharesPool - PtsGPUz - 375 c/m

It seems that upcpu’s dedicated GPU miner that supports only their own pool is the fastest in terms of performance, however the pool is is Chinese, but since it does not require registration you should be able to easily figure how to work with it. Our favourite English language pool, though with a little less performance is 1ghs’s PTS pool that is also very easy to use. Have in mind that these results are from a GeForce GTX 750 Ti GPU based on the new Maxwell architecture form Nvidia, so on other CUDA-capable video cards the performance you get from each miner may differ. That is why we have packed all of the miners that we have tested in a single archive that you can download and try for yourself to see where your hardware will perform the best. Soon we are also going to be checking out the performance with AMD and OpenCL miners for mining Protoshares.

You can download the pack of Nvidia CUDA GPU miners for PTS on Windows OS here…
